E-Stamping India

 E-stamping is a computer based application and a secured electronic way of stamping documents. The prevailing system of physical stamp paper/franking is being replaced by E-stamping system

We're sensitive to the impact that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on each one of us, professionally and personally. With WHO declaring COVID-19 as a pandemic, we urge you to follow guidance recommended by the authorities to help contain the spread of the virus, such as washing hands frequently with soap and water and limiting close contact with others.

StockHolding is taking necessary precautions to protect all stakeholders including our esteemed clients and employees. Our top priority is the health and safety of our clients and employees. We will continue to deliver services of the highest quality and adhering to security standards.

Under the circumstances, we appreciate that you would want to restrict physical visits to our branches and offices. We urge you to avail our online services.

Citizens can pay stamp duty online and print e-Stamp certificate from the convenience of their home for NCT of Delhi, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, UT of Ladakh, Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Puducherry and Andaman & Nicobar.

Litigants / Advocates can pay e-Court fee online and print e-court fee receipt from the convenience of their home for NCT of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and UT of Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Puducherry.

Assuring of our best services.

Be safe and take care.

Team StockHolding

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